Pragati is a customer relationship program which focuses on both customer engagement and customer retention. Anyone who purchases a vehicle from the Maruti Suzuki Commercial Channel can be a member of the Pragati loyalty member.
A customer receives points worth 3% of whatever amount is spent within the network, which includes MGA, MI, service, spares, etc.
A customer gets 1000 points on every successful referral.
A customer gets exclusive welcome gifts the time of enrollment.
The customer, at request, will be presented an enrollment form along with a Pragati Welcome kit.
The customer would then be required to duly fill the form and attach their Vehicle Identification Proof. This would then have to be dispatched at CPA.
On completing the enrollment process successfully, an Instant Card will be activated.
Whenever a purchase is being processed from thereon, the dealer will swipe the Instant Card against invoices.
The customer will then be awarded with points amounting to 3% of the invoice value.
After the Instant card has been activated and points have been collected, the customer will have to present the card upon his/her next visit to the dealership.
Points can be redeemed (1 Point = 1 Rupee) against the purchase of products and services within the network.
1 | Transactional Benefit | 3 points on Rs.100 Spent |
2 | Referral Benefit-4 Coupons available with the kit. | 1000 points |
3 | Insurance-Accidental/Death | Rs.5,00,000 Risk coverage-To be given free of cost. |
4 | Partner Offers | 50% points can be redeemed on partner offers. |